4 life of legacy schools
+ bonus 10 wk prophetic school
life of legacy bundle
1 YEAR 4 MODULES 25 new SESSIONS + bonus 10 wk prophetic school
MODULE 1 - replays
4 sessions
A continuous relational flow of love that awakens & energises us! Prayer is not a responsibility but a response to being loved by God. It is a conversation within the union of the Trinity, who are Love, that is unbroken and unspoilt by time or reality. In these sessions we shift mental gears so that our prayer engines cruise on the freeway of the Spirit without needing to grind to a halt because we think we are running out of steam. When our every breath becomes the fuel for agreement and synergy with God, prayer becomes a flow of power that keeps us humming happy. Some of the fun topics will include flipping trials on the heads and turning life’s greatest challenges into catapults for propelling us into the most welcome of futures. Praying together for each other can be the most fun of all! Join us in praying without ceasing to be loved! Bundle includes replays only, to join Feb live course (by donation of any amount) go to
MODULE 2 - live + replays
MAY 7 - JUNE 18
Before the Song was the Singer …. Worship has less to do with music and more about us becoming a song that He sang into being before we were born. Our greatest security is in the reality that God likes us as well as loves us and desires to have all of us as opposed to only our singing voice or choral triumph. Just as in the case of prayer - the keys of wisdom open many doors in life and worship is the master key in life that opens a world of God’s perfect Love. This way of living creates an outflow of life that is filled with gratitude and causes a gravitational pull for others towards the goodness and pleasure of God Himself. The ultimate result of worship is God having all His most desired engaged fully with Him and when our entire bodies are a sound of gratitude for so great a Love, then the WHOLE body resonates with the ageless anthem of the Trinity!
MODULE 3 - live + replays
JULY 23 - SEP 3
Powerful leadership of our own lives builds community. The next move of God is within the moving parts of the body of Christ that is not a puppet on a stage of history, but a flow of Love on the avenues of life where you and I journey. Leadership of self is a daily life skill that enables us to journey hydrated by purpose and energised by passion. In this module we will note the way and speed with which we follow wisdom, as this is what ultimately governs all of our mind, soul and body and provides a reservoir of influence and impartation for all those we impact. Someone greater than us has walked this way first and leads the way with Love. Though this appears somewhat unconventional, it still remains the most remarkably effective way to lead in a world subjected largely to a narrative of fear and abandonment. Creating ecosystems in our lifetime that strengthen relationships, provide security for great conversations and build community will promote growth and vitality everywhere!
MODULE 4 - live + replays
OCT 15 - NOV 26
Love without ceasing and live without fearing! Impartation is the result of being in atmospheres of freedom and love and our God is the Creator of the best atmospheres of all. In this Module we explore what living in constant approval looks like and the power of acceptance on society that experiences constant shame. We will explore our senses in the Spirit, with God’s sense of humour being our 7th and most celebrated sense! Throughout Scripture we see the effect of God on humans - individually and corporately. When God’s love is not only experienced in a personal way - but also in the context of community - we see the effect of Love in an exponentially transformational capacity. God is in the midst of His people, lifting up the head of a weary world to see the shining, smiling Son. This is our God-given legacy: A trail of glory left by people who live intentionally loved.
LIVE teaching
*Replays only for bonus school "life of prayer". Register by donation to join the zoom.
unlimited replays
School director
testimonies from past create students
payment options & concessions
Course contents