Lesson series

CREATE Transform 3: transformers unite

TRANSFORM can be described as an online training school made up of 3 consecutive trimesters that are ideal for those who have busy lives and are looking to study part time. The 3 schools are designed to develop divergent thinking and release people into a creatively powerful lifestyle that impacts their world.

While designed to be taken in succession, students can choose to take any of the trimesters at any time.


Starting date



6 weeks
8.7 Hours



This trimester demonstrates what can happen when wisdom marries mercy and focuses on how to release the power of God’s love in every sphere of life. We were created not only to enjoy, but to reassign the inheritance that Christ gave to his family of extraordinary people so that they in turn, could give it to those who are bankrupt. Along with providing some practical guidelines for partnering with leadership, the goal of this this time together is to set you up for an adventure of risk-taking action!

Course contents

isi de gersigny

Senior Pastor & School Director
Isi de Gersigny founded Create in 2012, as a school with an emphasis on Biblical revelation and activation into all aspects of the Christian life. The courses are designed to equip students, with a growing structure making provision that includes online students.

Course reviews

Create to me was an invitation to explore the unfathomable depth of the Father’s intentions for me. There’s so much richness, such depth and revelation in the teachings that you can’t help but be challenged, stirred and transformed. I encourage you to take this opportunity to step into a journey of preparation, equipping and discovery of who you were destined to be in Him.
Eddie C
Isi de Gersigny, the visionary leader of Jubilee Church, wholeheartedly pursues the purity and clarity of Jesus Christ and it is in these Create schools that she unveils the mysteries of this perfect man and provides a space to mature into Him. These schools activate us to be a creative, powerful force wherever God positions us.
Mark H
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